I really couldn't let today, the last day of 2007, go by without writing a few words. In common with many small business owners, I've been using the quiet time of the holidays to catch up with a variety of tasks in my business.
I'm always telling my coaching clients to be sure and take time to recharge their batteries - do I take my own advice? Of course not!! The problem is that I enjoy what I do so much that it doesn't seem like work at all. So far, I've been figuring out how my new (Christmas present) MP3 Player works (just about there); rehearsing the script for a free audio to put on the website; writing a couple of web pages for all the new stuff that I want to do in January.
Unfortunately, like many people, I've underestimated how much time it's going to take me to launch the new products so, today, I decided to introduce it gradually rather than with one big bang! A bit of a disappointment, but I need to be realistic (if I must!).
2007 has been an interesting year for FrontLine Results - and business has increased in direct proportion to the amount of marketing activity I've put in. I've written some new workshops and started this blog. I even got my first little audio message onto the website! I've also invested a lot in my own development over the last year, and have very much enjoyed learning new skills to apply to the business.
I'm so looking forward to all the exciting stuff I've got planned for early in 2008. Obviously I hope that it will bring me more clients and more business, but I'm also hoping that it will help me to reach many more people through more affordable programs.
Oh dear, I seem to have been cast in the role of the villain this week with my coaching clients! One of my jobs is to keep them focused and moving forward - they ask me to do that. But, when it comes to holiday time, they're a bit put out when I don't ease off!
What's a coach to do? If I just chatted about this and that, they'd feel as if they hadn't got their money's worth for that session.
When I got back in the office after a client meeting today, I found that I couldn't get hold of many people on the phone! I guess they've already left for the holidays.
I think I'll take the hint and finish up until next week. So, have a lovely Christmas (try and relax!) and my best wishes for a wonderful 2008.
When I first started blogging, I couldn't understand how fellow bloggers could go so long between postings. Now I do! I've been so busy working on new services that I haven't been able to think about anything else. And I had a problem there too, I couldn't get started on a piece of writing - until yesterday when everything fell into place and the words flowed nicely.
On the networking front, I don't have any more breakfast meetings before the new year (thank goodness because it's got very cold in the early mornings), I do have a couple more coaching sessions before Christmas and appointments in next year's diary which is reassuring!
I've been having great fun producing the new products and services that will be launched in the new year (once I got over the writer's block), although I do sometimes wonder if I've bitten off more than I can chew.
Will try and post again before the end of the week - goodness, isn't Christmas getting close!
I've had a couple of days in the office working on a new workshop idea - but please don't tell anyone!
Looks silly written down, doesn't it? The problem with being an entrepreneur and business owner is that you're constantly looking for new angles, new products and services, and ways to stay ahead of the competition. When you think you've found one, you become paranoid! You don't want to even talk about it in case you then read that someone else has got there first.
You have to keep your nerve while you're developing the idea (or at least producing the sales copy). Once you've staked your claim, you can heave a sigh of relief that, if anyone else uses the idea, they're an also ran - because you thought of it first! Sounds incredibly childish but, in business, it's deadly serious and could be the difference between survival and the unthinkable.
Sorry if this is getting a bit melodramatic but all will be revealed very soon. Keep reading.
I'm not sure that Monday is a good day for a networking breakfast. I feel as though I've almost worked a full week already! I promised to report on the quality of the breakfast - it was excellent! In fact, so good that I'm going back next week (I've been asked to substitute by someone else - how could I refuse?). The group is great fun and I'd like to get to know some of the members better.
I'm still working on this month's newsletter! I managed to get side-tracked by some exciting ideas for workshops next year and it was only with great difficulty that I re-focused on the job in hand. Does that ever happen to you?
Another reason I can't believe it's still only Monday is because I did some work over the weekend (a life coaching client and dealing with an email backlog), not always a good idea.
I think I'm starting to ramble, so will post again when I'm wider awake.
Before I forget, there's a great video on Alice Seba's blog - watch it right to the end!
Alice Seba's Internet Marketing Sweetie Blog: Silly Sunday: Marketing Rules